Then he José Arcadio gave himself over to that hand Pilar
Ternera's, and in a terrible state of exhaustion he let himself be led
to a shapeless place where his clothes were taken off and he was heaved
about like a sack of potatoes and thrown from one side to the other in a
bottomless darkness in which his arms were useless, where it no longer
smelled of woman but of ammonia, and where he tried to remember her face
and found before him the face of Úrsula, confusedly aware that he was
doing something that for a very long time he had wanted to do but that
he had imagined could really never be done, not knowing what he was
doing because he did not know where his feet were or where his head was,
or whose feet or whose head, and feeling that he could no longer resist
the glacial rumbling of his kidneys and the air of his intestines, and
fear, and the bewildered anxiety to flee and at the same time stay
forever and ever in that exasperated silence and that fearful solitude.
One Hundred Years Of Solitude
- Publisher: Penguin Books
- Categories:
- - Novels - නවකතා
- - English Novels
- - Gabriel Garcia Marquez - ගේබ්රියෙල් ගාර්සියා මාකේස්
- ISBN: 9780140157512
- Availability: Out Of Stock
Rs. 1,580.00
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